Doing the Right Things in AZ

Governor_Jan_BrewerOn Friday March 27th, I had the opportunity to attend Phoenix Rotary 100 where the speaker was Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  

I was impressed.  Not because she is a stunning and charismatic orator – she’s not.  What she is is a leader whose integrity shines through.  She’s inherited a huge mess (Arizona has the highest budget deficit per capita in the US) and she is doing something about it NOW.  She’s surrounded herself with ‘some of the Top Experts in the state”, is carefully looking at all the facts and options, and making hard decisions.  Some that even she says “I never thought I would ever support” – like raising taxes – at least temporarily.

She’s taking action to fix the immediate problems as well as working on solutions that will make for a better Arizona in the future.  It was very clear that she has no intention of letting this state be bankrupted or passing this mess on to the next Governor or the future generation of Arizonans.

There are times when doing the right thing can make you very unpopular in certain circles.  No one is ever happy when you take things away from them.  What the Governor demonstrated when fielding questions from the audience is that she is not making decisions based on popularity ratings.  She is using every resource at her disposal to fix the problem because it is the right thing to do.   That takes a lot of guts – especially for a politician.  Kudos to you Governor!

Governor Brewer laid out her Five Point Plan for getting our state out of the current mess and for building a better Arizona.  To read the whole text, click the link above the bullets.

Five Points for Building a Better Arizona

  1. Reform budget process with focus on longer-term needs and resources
  2. Improve Prop. 105 – The Voter Protection Act
  3. Further spending cuts, reduce general fund by $1 billion
  4. Provide tax reform to attract business and more jobs
  5. Temporary tax increase – $1 billion revenue to bridge the gap in our budget shortfall

We’re going to keep hearing lots of complaints and reading letters to the editor about programs being cut, budgets being squeezed, and how short sighted we are being.  But look at the chart and form your own opinion.  Its pretty simple.  The BLUE line is what we were spending and the PURPLE line shows what money the state projects to come in.  When you look at the widening gap, you start to understand why the Governor is taking a stand not just for today but for the future.  


As a business owner, I understand that you can’t keep writing checks if you don’t have the resources to back them up.  You make the best allocation of resources you can based on the business environment and your own ability to generate revenues.  When cash is tight, you cut back.  When times are good, you may spend more – but you always you put money into reserves for the days when cash get’s tight again.  Because those days always come. 

I certainly don’t envy Governor Brewer’s position as a leader at this time in our state’s history. But I truly respect what she is working to do, and I hope that when it comes my time to lead – in what ever way it comes – that I will do it with the integrity, guts, and good old fashioned common sense that she is showing now.

Stay Tuned…

-Joan Koerber-Walker

It does not have to be a Zero Sum Game

PH02802JIt’s been an interesting week so far.   A week of stepping back and looking at why things happen, how things happen, and how we fix them. 

As an economist, we were trained to look at value based on scarcity.  There is only so much to go around and value is based on how rare or unique something is and how badly people want it.

As an innovator, we look at creating plenty.  Not ‘how to get our piece of the pie’ but rather how to use what we have to ‘make the pie bigger or create new types of pies’.

Lately, I fear that too many of us have been thinking more like economists and less like innovators.

As I write this, I am listening as Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner testifies to the House Finance Committee.  He laid out six key ingredients for his recipe for stabilizing future financial markets, protecting key assets, creating market balance globally, and forming public/private partnerships to deal with the plethora of distressed assets that are choking the system.  It’s a discussion on managing scarcity and creating security- but long term perhaps we may also be inhibiting growth.

But here is what else I have heard and experienced:

My friend Francine Hardaway has often cautioned me about the perils of stepping out as a leader and an innovator.  She never discourages me, simply warns me to be prepared for the challenges that come with that path.  She should know, she’s faced them for over 30 years!  Sometimes I listen.  Sometimes I don’t.  (Unfortunately she has an uncanny knack for being right – especially when I don’t listen.)

A Skype conversation with Annie Loyd yesterday opened my eyes to what innovators can do and what innovators need.  Annie too has been leading for decades.  With a passion for equality, justice,  and opportunity, Annie has been working behind the scenes and on the front lines for years.  Her vision for her next big adventure is brilliant. 

Gloria Feldt dropped me a note on FaceBook and asked a question about why so many feminists choose not to lead but rather stay in a circle or team to move change forward collectively.  My answer to Gloria was simple.  We need both.  “I’ve never thought of myself as a feminist – but leading can be a joy if you have a wide circle of support both male and female to move the mission forward. The trick is knowing when to step out and when to step back into the circle for support.”

A collection of friends from coast to coast have been helping me understand what’s happening on the private equity and venture capital fronts.  Yes there are challenges right now, but I am inspired by all of the creative ideas and strategies that are being developed and deployed to overcome those challenges.

And to top it all off, my new friend Sheri Tate sent me an incredibly edible treat, a sampling of her newest  Silver Moon Desserts. Imagine ice creams and sorbets infused with a tantalizing hint of liqueur – melting in your mouth.  Someone is going to make a fortune with Sheri and her team.  I just sent a note to a few friends I know who might want to take a look – and a taste.

You see life, innovation, and growth do not have to be played as a Zero Sum Game.  We all have opportunities to make the pie bigger, or create a series of unique and different pies of all shapes and sizes.  We just need to keep building that strong circle of support, finding new ingredients, adjusting our recipe by trial and error, and then reaching down for the courage to take a big step out of the circle and take the lead.

Stay Tuned…

– Joan Koerber-Walker

What’s Being Done? The Fed and Treasury Together

Today was a very good day on Wall Street.  Dow Leaps 497 Points as U.S. Lays Out Bank Rescue Plan (NY Times)   Some say we may have seen the bottom.  Some say not. This week will be an important one as we watch each day how the markets respond to the actions of both the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.


The actions of these two organizations, one independent of Congress and the other tied to it, are working together to stabilize our economy and to bring liquidly back to the market.  As we have all heard, this is not just a Wall Street issue.  It’s hit Main Street hard.  Large Businesses, Small Businesses, Student Loans, Mortgages, and Consumer Credit have all been affected.  I’ve yet to meet anyone who has not felt the pinch in one way or another.

The big questions for now are  “What’s Being Done?”  and “What does it all mean?  There are reams of articles that try to answer these questions, written by folk’s much closer to the issue and lots smarter than me.  Instead of trying to analyze it again, I have pulled together 4 videos that together help put “What’s Being Done” into perspective. In the first video (INSERTED ABOVE) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke explains how we can keep history from repeating itself.  In the second video (see links below) he talks about what the Fed has done and is continuing to do.  In the third and fourth videos, Treasury Secretary Geithner explains his plan and Treasury’s actions to get things back on track. 

Three More Videos to Watch:

Fed Chairman Bernanke on Financial Crisis   

Part one of Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner discusses his plan to help clear bank balance sheets of their toxic assets.

Geithner Pushes Bank Rescue Plan, Part 2

It’s the fact that , finally, there are detailed plans and that both the Treasury and the Fed are tacking action, that is driving  market confidence – and prices up.

So,  you may be wondering – is this the answer.  Truthfully, no one knows.  But for the first time, in a long time, we are starting to see a turn in market confidence – and THAT  is a very good thing.

Stay tuned…

– Joan Koerber-Walker

Opportunities are out there. Are You Ready?

innovation 2It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Arizona.  The sky is blue and cloudless , the breezes are still balmy – not like the hairdryer blast they will turn to come July. Parked by the pool with my laptop, it’s a perfect  time and a perfect place to review what I saw last week and plan for the week ahead.

The Week in Review

Monday was an exciting day as Joe Carangelo and I presented the RiboMed opportunity to potential investors from Germany, Florida, and New York.  Not only did we get to spend time with investors but we made contacts with some really cool companies.  Tuesday – Catch up time – sending  follow up emails to the investors and innovators I had met the day before and then a real treat – a tour of SARRC guided by the one and only Denise Resnik. Wednesday – a day of brainstorming ideas with old friends and new. Thursday – time to buckle down to work –  drafting plans, running numbers, and making phone calls.  Friday – two separate introductions brought great new connections and a great exchange of ideas and resources.

The Week to Come

The week ahead is equally exciting – more conversations in New York and Florida, helping some friends in California arrange financing for an exciting project, speaking to the Tempe Kiwanis Club on Tuesday, putting together this years sponsors for the 4th Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference (mark your calendars for November 12, 2009 for the state’s best entrepreneurial gathering yet) and the list goes on…

Getting Ready

Keeping things exciting means being ready to react to and capitalize on new opportunities as they appear.  Here are a few strategies that work for me:

1.  You are what you read.  Things are happening and changing faster than ever before,  I found a great tool that puts all the latest happenings at my fingertips.  This link takes you to my AllTop page.  My list may not be your favorite reading, but the cool thing is that when you sign in you can configure your page for the stuff you want to read and stay up to date on. And best of all its free!

2. Clean up your email.  Look through your In Box and your Sent Items.  Flag as follow ups things you need to touch back on or reply to, File important messages  in folders for future reference, and delete the rest.  Nothing is more depressing than trying to figure out what to do with thousands of emails that have been accumulating for weeks.

3.  Do your homework – You know what you have planned for the week ahead.  Take some time to do a little research – check out the newest developments on line.  If it’s a company or an organization you are visiting – check out their News or Media page.  If you are meeting a new contact, look them up on Google or Linked In.  Your meetings will be more productive for it.

4.  Plan your trips – Whether you are heading across town or across the country – think about who you know who is close to where you will be.  Call them and set up a quick coffee or time to drop in and see them.  That way you leverage your travel time and can get much more accomplished with every trip.

5.  Set aside time for new developments – There’s nothing worse than discovering a new opportunity but being too busy or booked up to seize it.  Keep some time available to pursue something new when it pops up.  Because if you are open to discovering new opportunities – they are out there – and they will find you!

– Joan Koerber-Walker

Sometimes You Win…

Chris, Dad and Chelsea with the Thorne Cup 2009.  Photo by Terri Berman

If you have been following this blog over the past few months, you know that there have been some big changes since December and there are lots of exciting games in play. 

On a personal note, my son Chris returned from Canada in December where he had been playing in the BCHL.  I wondered for a moment if my days as a hockey mom were over.  The next thing I knew, Chris was rejoining his former team, the Phoenix Polar Bears, as they skated their way to another Western Division Championship, made USA Hockey history when they locked in an Eighth Straight National Championship berth, and this weekend won the WSHL Thorne Cup Trophy.  The National Championships are the last weekend in March.  Stay Tuned.

On a business note, I left ASBA at the end of my contract in December 2008 to explore new opportunities and devote more time to my duties as a board member and treasurer for Ribomed Biotechnologies, Inc.  As my journey progressed, I have seen some incredible companies, found some incredible opportunities, pursued a ‘really cool deal’, made some great new contacts in the world of business, been actively raising capital, and learned a lot along the way!

My ‘really cool deal’ was an exciting roller coaster ride.

  • Identifying an interesting opportunity on January 12th
  • Analyzing it independently
  • Pitching the deal to investors
  • Getting the money I needed to make an offer and take the company to new heights.  Even though many said it could never be done that fast!
  • Making my offer – and starting the process
  • Losing the Deal to another bidder on March 16th.

Oh, no! you might be thinking, All that work and it did not happen.  Well, of course it was disappointing to lose the deal, but learning what I did alone the way is a BIG Win.

Here is what I learned:

1.  If you have a solid deal with good fundamentals – there is money out there to fund it. AND,  YOU CAN GET IT!

2.  There are lots of people committed to making a positive impact on our economy right now.  Not just politicians and big bankers, but entrepreneurs all over the country and the world, making connections, starting new projects, sharing connections, and making a positive impact – daily!

3. People want and need to hear POSTIVE business messages right now.  That’s why over 1,000 people like you are reading this blog.  And that’s why I make the time  to write it.

4.  That I may have lost this ‘really cool deal’ but a better opportunity is waiting just around the corner.  You may not win every game, but with each new game and each new play, you have the opportunity for a break-away goal.   Stay tuned…


-Joan Koerber-Walker

Like Finding Water in the Desert…

Oasis in the Desert courtesy of Environmental Graffiti.comToday, a friend asked me how my quest for capital was progressing? 

My answer – Like finding water in the desert

But the more I thought about it, the more apt the analogy became.  You see there is water in the desert, it’s just hidden under the sand.  That’s how oases are formed in nature.  The winds of change shift the sands until the water table is closer to the surface.  Then, even in a desert, things begin to grow.

Lately for some, it may feel as if the winds of change are blowing sand right in your face.  The trick is to look for the opportunities that may be lying underneath the surface as you see the sands shifting.

There are oases out there.  Here are some examples:

  • A friend of mine sent me an email tonight.  She owns a great and growing company.  She asked for a favor…can you help me find a key employee for my company.  I called a few friends who might be a fit.
  • Another friend in La Quinta, CA  has a new book out and started a radio show to help people look at their careers.Career Secret Sauce and the Career Mechanic. 
  • Over coffee, I got to meet with the guys who run AZ Weekly. They have a great concept and are growing circulation like crazy.  We brainstormed how they could grow more AND save money.  Hopefully it helped.
  • My social media expert friend, Steven Groves ,is coaching me on how to navigate the social media desert and use it to build a brand.  If he can teach me – he can teach anyone!  If you need help, ask Steve!
  • I found a really cool deal, but I need to access capital to make it work.  Friends from across the valley have offered to help me.  We just might make it too.
  • And as I talk to others about my really cool deal, I get to learn about their opportunities…and help them connect to others who can help them.
  • And so it continues…

“Opportunities out there, just below the surface…like finding water in the desert.”

–  Joan Koerber-Walker

Buffeting Business

I watched an interview with Warren Buffett on CNBC early Monday morning.  Few would argue that Mr. Buffett is one of the most savvy and successful investors and businessmen of our time.  You can see some of his comments on the video, but the three main points are this:

  1. The American Consumer has lost confidence, and our markets and our economy are paying the price.
  2. That American business works – it may not always be perfect, but it can and will recover.
  3. That the team in Washington needs to work together, not against each other, to solve the problem. 


Warren Buffett on CNBC on MSN March 9, 2009

Regaining Confidence:

  • A light at the end of the tunnel?  While Q2 is expected to see a continued decline, a recent survey of 51 economists see a modest upturn starting in Q3.
  • China’s Q1 GDP Growth is estimated to be 6.5% while not something they are happy about, since its average GDP growth over the last 25 years of 10%.  But we learned in business school that 3% is the responsible and sustainable growth level over time for any economy.  Perhaps what we are seeing is a return to realism not the end of the world economy.
  • When the cupboard is empty it’s time to start buying.  We’ve all held back and conserved as we saw things tighten up.  Companies cut back on inventories, consumers stopped buying and used what they had on hand.  But especially in the cases of consumables- you eventually run out and need to start buying again.  There are some fabulous deals out there.  I’ve seen it first hand.  When my job ended in December, I started to conserve.  We used the stuff in the freezer or cupboard instead of buying more.  But as the cupboard runs bare, its time for a buying trip to Costco and Safeway.The economic winds that are buffeting business will change.  They always do.

    American Business Works

    • IBM is on the offensive – forging forward and taking proactive measures to lead in their markets.  It must be working.  The aggregate drop in their stock since the beginning of the year is only about 1% compared to the DOW that is down 25%
    • Even in a recession – some companies are hiring.  Even banks, one of the hardest hit industries by the downturn, are hiring.  When the weak ones fail, the stronger, more conservative ones are picking up the slack and growing.
    • In every meltdown, new businesses emerge.  Read this story on how people who lost their jobs created new businesses and jobs for lots of people.

    We ALL need to work together to solve these problems.

    Instead of bemoaning the challenges, or letting the economic winds buffet you from side to side – DO something about it.  Be part of the solution.  Here are a few ideas…

    1. Buy something today!  (It does not have to be huge or a grossly irresponsible debt causing event.  Buy something in proportion to what you have to spend.)  If each one of us bought something each day, spending will rise.  Stop hoarding your cash.  When we stop spending we cycle down – when we start spending we cycle up.
    2. Call Three People you know.  Ask how things are going.  Offer ideas or offer  to help.   Be positive!
    3. If you are not working – VOLUNTEER somewhere.  Non profits are getting hit especially hard right now.  Instead of sitting home and watching TV, call an organization that is making a difference and ask them if they have something you can do for them.  You’ll feel better about yourself and perhaps help someone else who needs it even more.
    4. If you are working, pay attention to what you do and how you do it.  When times are good, we all tend to get a little sloppy.  Now is the time to look at each program or process and find ways to improve, optimize, and in some cases let go of things that are not productive.
    5. Pay Attention to what’s happening in Washington.  Go on Twitter and follow John McCain and Barack Obama.  They are sharing what they are doing –  follow along.  And if you see something you like or something you don’t –  call your Congressman.  What they are doing will affect you.
    6. Never lose hope.  Whether it is a business problem, a personal challenge, or the economy at large the only thing that can truly defeat us is our attitude.  Never give up. 

    Yes the current winds are Buffeting Business and those of us in it.  But eventually every wind calms.  Smoother seas follow and we move ahead.

    Joan Koerber-Walker

  • Eight Straight!

    Phoenix Polar Bears Make USA Hockey History  – Locking 8th Straight National Championship Berth – Announce National Tournament Roster

    March 8, 2009 – Phoenix, Arizona

    The Phoenix Polar Bears, Arizona’s Junior A Hockey organization clinched Western Division Championships of the Western States Hockey League (WSHL)  in an 8- 1 win over the Valencia Flyers Sunday at Polar Ice in Gilbert

    They meet the El Paso Rhinos next weekend in El Paso, Texas for the 2009 Thorne Cup (WSHL championship) as they drive towards a sixth Thorne Cup victory in eight years and another shot at the USA Hockey Tier III Junior A National Championships.


    The win over Valencia clinches the Polar Bears invitation to the USA Hockey National Championship making them the only team in USA Hockey history to go to the national tournament for eight straight years.   With home ice at the Desert Schools Coyote Center (Polar Ice, Chandler, Arizona), the Phoenix Polar Bears have won the Western States Hockey League (WSHL) Thorne Cup five out of the last six years, were the silver medalist in 2002, won the Junior B National Championship in 2003, and won the  Tier III Junior A National 2008 National Bronze Medal. With a regular season record of 42 wins and 6 losses, the team is a crowd favorite again for 2009.  

    “If the Phoenix Coyotes had a record like this one, would be standing room only”  shared a Polar Bear fan after Sunday’s 8-1 win over Valencia. “Too bad the Coyotes aren’t recruiting here!” 

    “It’s been a goal of ours since the beginning of the season to play for a division, league and National Championship,” commented Head Coach Harry Mahood. “I expect nothing but a hard fought series with El Paso next weekend.  With the addition of Chris Walker, Curtis Kelner and Rusty Roe at the trading deadline we were able to significantly strengthen our team in all areas. We are ready for Thorne Cup play and to compete at the national level. I look to our captain, Troy Crowley, to have a big series.”

    Unlike many USA Hockey teams, the Polar Bears have 18 local players on its roster, young men who have been groomed in local hockey programs to a level of National excellence.  The other half of the roster brings players from around the US and Canada.   “It’s rewarding to see players who have developed through our programs rise to this level of play” shared Brad Berman, president of Polar Ice Ventures and Defensive Coach for the Polar Bears.  “It’s what this program is all about – helping young players develop the skills and a love of the game.”  Amateur Hockey has become a thriving business in the Desert since the Phoenix Coyotes made their home here in the 90’s.  Leagues begin with Mini Mites and move up through the age brackets to the highest level of amateur play – Juniors.  They next step for some of these players will be NCAA Hockey play and for a select few – dreams of future NHL contracts.  Rinks across the valley groom the young players in Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Peoria and Phoenix.

    The Polar Bears are led by team captain Troy Crowley  and assistant captains Curtis Kelner, Scott Skrudland, and Rocky DeAngelo.  The full National Tournament Roster is provided in the insert at the end of this release.

    “We are proud to be surrounded by such a great group of dedicated young men.  Each committed to reaching and attaining the National Championship with pride and purpose” stated Phoenix Polar Bears Head Coach and General Manager Harry Mahood. 


    Posted by Proud ‘Momma Bear’ Joan Koerber-Walker

    Re-Gaining Confidence

    Knocked off feet

    Get the feeling sometimes that folks are trying to knock you off your feet?  That challenges surround you.  That you might just land on your …

    Well that’s exactly what happened in the picture.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the video of what happened next, when he picked himself up, dusted the ice off his backside, and SCORED.  But that’s what happened.

    Each time we get knocked off our feet we have a choice to either give up OR regain our confidence and move forward towards a goal.  It just depends on how we look at it. 

    If you’ve been following this blog, you know that I have been on a quest for capital.  I have a ‘really cool deal’, that could create a new market, revive an established industry, bring jobs to AZ and the US, and oh yeah – make money for the people involved.

    It’s been a journey of moving forward and circling back –  over and over – but with each circle I get a little closer to the goal.  And the best part of all is that I have a great team behind me – my network – my friends and their friends.  Each time I have had to circle  back – another person steps forward with a new idea or an offer to help.

    Every step along the way, with each person I meet, I have learned something new about the deal and about myself.  Every conversation leads to something of value – a new connection – a great question that helps me look at the project in a new way – a new idea – a new opportunity.

    This week will tell the tale.  We’re going into the third period.  When the buzzer sounds we’ll know if we won or lost the game.  I’ve got a great team behind me, a cheering crowd in the stands, and the puck.  I’m ready to take the shot…stay tuned…

    Joan Koerber-Walker – entrepreneur and dedicated Hockey Mom

    The WE Recovery…

    As I have been sharing through this blog over the last few weeks, WE are the recovery solution.  So who is WE?  It’s every American with a Bold Idea, a Passion, and the persistence to see it through.

    Here are some of the great things I have seen this week.  Examples of how WE are driving things forward.

    • Joan Gustafson and her husband Cliff came down and showed me a great new program Joan has developed in Minneapolis and would like to bring to the valley.  It helps displaced workers find their place again!
    • Francine Hardaway took me on a tour of a great new incubator – Gangplank.  Check out a great new program: BluePrint for Survival
    • Four different Private Equity gurus (no names – they like to fly under the radar) shared their time with me to review my ‘Really Cool Deal’ at Shop24.  They not only shared their time, they walked me through it, gave me feedback, and helped me make connections!
    • A new Investment Banker friend invited me to lunch with some old friends and great new contacts.  I learned about great new programs like TEKcelerate, got to meet the Founder and CEO of Medelis, a great local biotech firm, talked to a fund manager who is working with a local small business icon to save the company (sorry no names here), and lots of other great people.  The 12 of us talked for over 2 hours.  Now that’s a POWER LUNCH.
    • Mike Campion, my favorite Guilty Millionaire held an event at the Ritz to help others experience the success that he has.  My Friend Neil Dempster did the keynote.  Sorry to have missed this – my con call ran late and I could not get across town.
    • Checking in on the Washington Beat, I followed John McCain on Twitter and got to read his list each day of the top ten Porkiest Deals – but I also learned that John McCain and Olivia Snow brought forward new legislation this week to allow importation of drugs from outside the US.  This will increase competition and bring down healthcare costs – a huge burden on all of us.
    • My friend and hero Shay Pausa shared a fabulous video that gave me increased hope for the future.  Here it is.

    So what’s on tap for me today…

    4:30 AM and 5:30 AM – Calls to friends in Milan and London to get feedback on my current project.  They shared great inputs, had actually used the product and told me what they liked about it.

    6:30 AM – sharing the weeks positive business news through the blog

    7:30 AM – back to work on the business plan

    8:30 AM – Off to tour the new offices of Metro Studios and to explore creation of an on-line TV program to keep driving our Recovery Mission forward.  Lisa and Clay are fabulous!

    11:30 – Lunch with one of my favorite bank exec’s

    2:00 – 4:00 – calls with Private Equity and Investment Banking friends in the continuing quest for capital

    6:45 PM – You’ll find me in full Hockey Mom mode – Cheering the Phoenix Polar Bears on to an EIGHTH straight berth at the USA Hockey National Championship Tournament.  This weekend will determine USA hockey history.  Want to come?  Get the details at