Why we follow – the other side of Leadership

So much is written about leadership, about teams, and about the  importance of both.

Sometimes we choose the path of leadership and sometimes it chooses us.  Most leaders will tell you that to be a good leader is to be a good follower.

Follow The Leader: Dot Woodall (Koerber-Walker collection) all rights reserved

We follow a vision, a mission, a plan.  And thru our words and actions others may choose to follow us.

Have you given thought to who or why you follow? Everyone follows someone and something at different times of their lives.

But the time will come for each of us when we are called forward to lead.

Recently I had the chance to connect with some amazing women at the Society of Women Engineers.  When I was sharing ideas with them during the dinner keynote one of the questions from the day came back to me.  The question was ….could women lead and be recognized as leaders.

Here is what I had to share…


Choosing to lead is a decision. And to be ready when your opportunity to lead appears, you need to decide to prepare.  That means getting your education, building your network, and refining your skill sets so that when your turn comes you can be a GREAT leader.

CorePurpose Publishing recently had the chance to work with another great leader, Amilya Antonetti.  The Recipe - ISBN10: 0974705691 Her newest book, The Recipe: A fable for leaders and teams releases officially on May 1, 2010 and is already getting great feedback.  . As the publisher, it was an honor to work with her on this project.   In it Amilya shares what she has learned about leaders and their teams in a wonderful story sprinkled with “Little Spoonfuls” of tips, tools, and even some questions that give us food for thought.  Another friend of ours, Kathy Kolbe the author of Pure Instinct: The M.O. of High Performance People and Teams, graciously wrote the forward for the book.

To learn more about Amilya’s book, The Recipe, and Kathy’s book, Pure Instinct, just click on their links.

You see, women CAN lead and they make great leaders.  Not only that, we make great collaborative teammates.  Amilya and Kathy are proof of that.

So now is the time to get ready.  2010 begins the decade of our success and the choices are ours.  The question is … What are we going to do with it and what will we choose?

Thanks for stopping by.  Stay Tuned….

Joan Koerber- Walker

Posted in Leadership.